When you are reviewing search results, you may set the Display, Group By, Sort By and Order your results using the functions located at the top left side of the search result.
The Display function allows you to set the number of results you get in a page. You may set the value to 10, 25, or 50. For example, the search result now displays 25 results in a page after we set the Display value to 25.
The Group By function allows you to divide your search results into sets of results that are of the same type. In the example below, setting the Group By value to "Company size" will group the job openings by company size. You may then click on the plus + icon to expand and view job openings within each company size.
The Sort By and Order function allows you to arrange your search result based on the selected value in either an ascending or descending order. For example, if you want to see jobs with the highest salary showing up at the top of your search result, you would set the Sort by value to "Base salary" and set the Order to "Descending".