1. Visit talent.alabamaworks.com
2. Click on My ACR Credentials in the upper right corner of the page. This button is only visible if you are registered as a Credential Issuing/Verifying Organization in the Alabama Talent Triad. (See this article on how to get expanded access)
3. Click on Create Credential.
4. Fill out the Credential details form and hit Save changes.
5. Edit sections on each of the other tabs.
6. To add related occupations and sectors from the Alabama State taxonomy, go to the Occupation and sector tab. Click on Add occupations.
Enter a search keyword in the search bar. This will auto-generate all occupations related to the keyword. Select the occupations you wish to add, and hit Add occupations.
To add Sectors, start typing to see Auto-complete choices and select the sector you want to add.
7. To add Related and/or Required credentials, go to the Related credentials tab. Use this section to list out credentials that can be earned and combined with the current credential. Start typing to see Auto-complete credentials to choose from, and select a credential.
Alternatively, you can add a credential by entering the CIP Code and Credential type. Once you are done listing out credentials, hit Save changes.
8. To add skills that this credential aims to equip individuals with, go to the Skills and experience tab. Start typing to search and add skills.
Once skills are added, you can enter the minimum amount of experience required for each skill. Click on the + Custom experience level button to add experience level.
Adjust the experience level acquired through the credentialed program for each skill and hit Add experiences.
You can see the experience level for a skill displayed on the left side of that skill. Once you are finished adding skills and experience level, hit Save changes.
9. You may include relevant education programs to the credential by going to the Education providers tab. Educational programs listed should be credential specific. Click on + Add education program.
Add Education Program details and hit Add program.
Once you are done adding the education program, click on Save changes.
10. Just in case you have more details to capture, go to the Additional Notes tab. You can add contributor notes here that will be visible to all credential editors.
11. Once you are done entering all the information related to your credential, set the Status dropdown to "Published" to make the credential searchable by the public.