Follow the steps below to add Self-attested credentials using Upload File:
1. Go to your Learner/Earner's wallet by clicking on My Wallet.
2. Click on My LER from the left menu.
3. Click on the red Add credentials button.
4. Go to the Upload file tab.
5. Enter your credential information: Credential title, Credential type (optional), and Description (optional).
7. Upload your credential file (e.g. diploma, certificate of completion, etc.) and ensure the file meets the following specification:
- Up to 2MB in size
- Accepted formats: PDF, PNG only
8. Once you have entered your credential information and uploaded your file, click on the Upload files button.
9. Notice the Self-attested credential is now added to your LER. Credentials that were manually added by uploading file will show as "Self-attested", whereas credentials that were synced from a verified provider will have a verified banner showing underneath.
10. Once Credentials have been added in My LER, they will be available to add in the Resume Builder. (See this article for more information on how to add credentials to your resume)